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Making Udon

The other day I was seriously craving some Udon Noodles.  There is a joint I hit with a friend on the monthly that has what I consider to be the best Udon in the area.  Its a lil Mom and Pop joint run by 3 Japanese expats and 3 helper staff.  I was fiending for this udon, but didn't want to make the drive and wanted to try making it.

In the past I had tried those chilled Udon noodles that come with a flavor pack.  The noodles themselves were great, but the broth was severely lacking.  So much that I was turned off.  I did try a 2 more times.  One of those times I froze the udon pack, which was a mistake, there was heavy breakage of the noodles themselves.  Perhaps there was something I didn't pay attention to.  Nonetheless, I would like to start chronicling my cooking experiences and maybe have some ideas out there for folk to try.

So began the trip to the local Asian Supermarket, the place is huge.  My mission was to find some dry udon noodles at a decent price and udon broth making necessities.  Now my Japanese, is pretty much unchanged since my roadblock, but Ive watched a few more J-dramas and somewhat kept up with my flash cards and a friend speaks to me in Japanese and I talk back in English.  But shopping for these noodles was a massive chore.

Eventually I found what I was looking for.  Nice big ol kana udon printed on the front.  The upper right going down says Cold district Preparation?  Upper left in the purple basically open and seal zipper here.  This is what did it for me, cant go wrong with a resealable pack.  In my opinion if it comes in a bag it should be a resealable pack.  I have no idea what label or brand this is, there is some kanji below the red kanji that I have no idea what it says.  Another reason I picked this one was because there are 8 individually wrapped bundles that suggest this is the amount for a single serving (well... it says so on the back.)

Next was the easy task of finding some green onion.  No issues here.  Then I needed to find all the bits and pieces I needed to make my udon broth, I needed special spices this, mirin sauce that, some anchovies, some of that kamaboko, some dried kelp.  List was long.  In the store I thought well what if they had some stock cubes, like they do with chicken bouillon.  I found what I was looking for in the aisle where they have spices, and look for the Miso soup stock, and you will find all types of soup stock.

It was here I found this.  Again in some easy to read kana, udon soup.  In blue type it says Higashimaru, which sounds like this is the label. Inside the red bowl shape is the kanji for east.  In the black type above soup Soup powder base?  Boom sold! No need to translate further, this looked like what I needed, and not only that, it serves 8 people.  No need for the list to make the broth!

Chicken Udon is what I was craving, the chicken I already had in the fridge.  Next stop was home to make my Chicken Udon.  I cubed up my 2 breasts chicken and seasoned it with seasoned salt.  I chose seasoned salt because I didn't want the chicken to get in the way of the taste of the broth.  Cut up lots of green onion for garnish and flavor.

I first boiled the water, and then added two packs of udon noodles into the pot.  In a separate skillet I grilled my chicken on one side only.  As soon as one side was sufficient, I added the chicken to the already cooking udon I pretty much left it like that until the noodles looked like they were ready (the bag said 14-18 mins.  I had ready to go in a measuring up two packs of the udon stock base ready for 600mL of the water that I would source from my udon noodle and chicken pot.

Once I got to 600mL I dumped out the rest of the pot into a strainer.  Picked out all of the chicken and washed out the noodles in cold water.  Apparently this is done to firm up the noodles a bit.  Upon first look at the noodles, they aren't the typical thickness of udon that I was used to.  The measuring cup with what was now the soup base went back into the pot where I added the noodles and chicken again.  I was worried the noodles would make the soup could so I simmered them all at low to medium  heat.

Took the pot off and added it to my massive bowl and put the green onion garnish on. And this is what I got (left).  Doesnt look too appetizing I know.  But let me tell you!  The broth was amazing, very close to restaurant grade.  The chicken cubes were a little big but the flavor of the chicken was great, half grilling/half boiling the chicken was a great idea.  As you can see the noodles look a bit small.   Oh yeah I also put a hard boiled egg there, the idea was to slice em. but I didn't boil the egg long enough, and slicing was a failure.

My udon cooking was a success.  I highly recommend giving it a try.  I did try making this udon once again, but with just one serving.  I grilled all sides of the cubes, tried some "blackened" seasoning for the chicken and used cilantro instead of green onion.  I must say, seasoned salt is the way to go for the chicken.  The broth got way too much flavor from the blackened spices.  The Cilantro added an amazing flavor to the broth and noodles.  I also didn't add the egg.  The result was a sub par attempt (above).

My next attempt will definitely be seasoned salt chicken grilled/boiled, with both cilantro and green onions, oh and gotta have the egg.

Philips Sonicare Flexcare+ HX6992 Review

My neck hurts today, Ive got a bunch of posts Ive been meaning to clean out.  In May, I went to the dentist.  At the end of it all, I asked the hygienist what kind of toothbrush does she recommend.  I told her I have this issue of having to replace brushes every 2 months or so, with the bristles starting to wack out after a month.  She recommended that I pick up a Sonicare toothbrush.  She thought it was the best brush for your teeth.

I had seen them at Sam's Club and Costco, electric toothbrushes.  Huge monstrosities that I couldn't imagine trying to fiddle around with inside my mouth.  Fast forward to 8 months later.  I was happy with my Philips balder.  Satisfied with my Philips electric shaver.  Philips was about to get more of my money as I hunted for the Philips Sonicare toothbrush.  A quick search yielded the Flexcare+ as the top of the line Model.  And at the time it was the Philips Sonicare Flexcare+ 6992 that was selling for 189 on Amazon.

With my job, Philips was working hard to get my hard earned cash.  And again I was out hunting for a deal.  For a long time I thought my best bet was 115 on eBay.  Soon I saw the Flexcare showing up on Craigslist for 100 bucks.  Not bad, and then one night I saw 65 bucks for the Flexcare+ 6992 just like the amazon link says, with the included UV sanitizer, 2 chargers and a carrying case.  It was new in the box.  I set up a meet, it was a dental office 30 minutes from me.

Upon initial use, the buzzing of this tooth brush is enough to rattle your teeth and gums and leave your whole head feeling really funny after the first use.  But I tell you, my mouth felt so fresh and so clean, like the kind of clean you get when you leave the dentist.  The toothbrush recommends you break your mouth up into 4 zones, and brush for 30 seconds in each zone.  The brush makes a sound so you know to switch to the next zone.  Awesome.

After a week or so, my gums and teeth got used to the buzzing of the toothbrush and now my teeth are definitely looking whiter than before.  I guess you could say the novelty hasn't worn off as yet, because the toothbrush is really fun to use.  And after a couple of months of use, I am a solid solid believer in the electric toothbrush, namely this Sonicare Flexcare+ 6992.    It comes with this UV sanitizer which I use maybe every 10 or so brushes, it is supposed to kill off all the bacteria, and I believe it.  It comes with a travel case and travel charger, which is awesome. I took it with me on my Xmas vacation and served me well.

All in all, I am really happy with this toothbrush and I cannot imagine what it would be like to use a regular manual toothbrush again.  I am really happy with my purchase of all of these Philips products.  At Walmart the other day, I thought about trying out the Philips Nivea brand for aftershave.  I didn't know Nivea made products for men, let alone was a Philips brand. We all know the Nivea commercials have the hottest ladies or was that noxema?  I don't need aftershave right now, but when I do, Nivea for Men is where its at!

Norelco SensoTouch 1160X Review

Having had used my balder for a month or so, and been extremely happy.  I decided it was time to give the Philips Norelco Brand another try.  I wanted to get a dedicated electric shaver for the face.  I had been through 2 Norelco electric shavers for the face, both bought at Walmart.  The first one lasted maybe 2 years, the second maybe a year.  Again being a cheap bastard I didn't want to have to spend 60 bucks or more on such a tool that lasts a year or two.

Enter Craigslist, where I found a guy selling his new in box Norelco SensoTouch 2D system for 30 bucks.  A great deal because the same thing I saw going on eBay for 100, and Amazon for 120.  It came with a charging stand, bag, charger, and an extra head/blades.  On first use,  I didn't really like it.  As with the previous electric Norelco shavers I have had in the past, you have to massage your face with this thing in order to get every hair.

Even when you think you have gotten a hair, there are always a few hairs that are a bitch and a half to get cleaned off.  I guess I'm OK with that because, as with the Norelco balder, I hate shaving cream and its process with a passion.  The exact Model is a Philips Norelco SensoTouch 1160X.  That link comes with this Jet cleaning system.  Mine didnt come with that, and I wouldn't want it anyway.  My hands and the water coming out of the faucet can do just fine.

Having used it now for a few months, I find that as I continue to use it, the shave gets better and better, and my face looks super clean.  I still have to deal with the erratic few hairs that take a while to get clean off the face.  So in the end, for 30 bucks, I have no complaints.  But unlike the balder, the electric shaver still has a ways to go to completely win me over.  If I spent the 150 to pick it up from amazon, I couldn't help but feel slightly miffed.

Philips Norelco Balder QC5550 Review

I've been meaning to write a review on this "Balder" for quite some time.   I've now owned this tool for 3 months now and can provide a slightly more in depth review.  My relationship with the Philips Norelco brand has really been one of want, rather than a need.  Just this past June, my year old Philips Norelco electric shaver decided to die on me, and thus the story begins...

I was really not looking forward to spending another 60 bucks on something that may only last a year.  Plus my hair clipper which I use to give me the almost bald but longer than stubble look, didnt hold charge, I really wanted to toss it.  I started surfing ebay and and various other sites looking for something to clean my face with, I had been using a beard trimmer for June, July and August, but I wanted that smooth look.

I had a Remington shaver for less than a day.  I was too skeptical of Braun.  Wahl made trimmers, not shavers (at least none that I could find.)  The search for a Philips Norelco was where I started.  They have these new 2D and 3D shaving systems, that were hella pricey but had amazing reviews.  60 bucks was my cut off

I happened across Philips Norelco QC5550 head trimmer and Balder.  I thought to myself wtf?  You cant get a bald head with some electric tool. I got a barber shop bald treatment a few years back, I paid 20 bucks for the cut, and noticed I had stubble the next day.  I never went bald again, it took the guy half an hour maybe more..   Back to, it was 69.99, with 2 reviews on that sounded like they were written by Philips.  Amazon had no reviews on it, YouTube didnt have any user experiences other than a few Brazilian commercials on the product.  I got a barber shop bald treament a few years back, I paid 20 bucks for the cut, and noticed I had stubble the next day.  I never went bald again

70 bucks I thought, I just got a fat paycheck, why not, if it doesnt work, I'll return it, and maybe I can use it on my face and have an all in one hair remover.  I hit buy it now.  The next day while trying to find more info on the balder, I found the price went down from 69.99 to a whopping 22 bucks!  I filled out the online form on regarding price changes within 7 days, and got my cash difference back the next day. 

When the Balder arrived in the mail, I charged it up for the required hour and then got to clipping.  I used the included hair clipper to cut my hair down as low as possible.  It cut as low as my dedicated clipper, therefore I took my clipper out of the drawer and walked it right to the trash can.  I switched over to the balder attachment, and proceeded on my head.  What happened in the next 10 minutes was a cut that made me bald to the skin, as good as, if not better than the barber shop bald treatment.

I was amazed, my head was as smooth as my cheek.  I was and still am really excited, this is one amazing product.  I was sold.  3 months later, I use the Balder every 2-3 days for a constant and consistent bald look.  The whole process takes 7-10 minutes.  The Balder comes with a mirror, which I use to verify any spots that I may have missed.  The only downside is the extra cash that you now spend on an aftershave balm for your head.  But, this balder, is worth every penny.  Sure I paid 22 for it, but I would have been just as happy paying 69.99.  I just hope I get at least a year out of it.

The only downside I would say, is that the foil of the Philips Norelco QC5550 Balder is extremely fragile.  I broke it once, and Philips sent a replacement for free.  They had free replacement parts for a year.  Aggressive balding will definitely break the foil.  I hope the foil will be a bit tougher in the next iteration of the Balder series, and I will most definitely be buying again as my relationship with Philips is now a need rather than a want.  I was so happy with the Balder, I bought 2 more Philips products.  For my next review, I will be reviewing a SensoTouch 2D electric shaving system.
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